Thyroid Disease Symptoms (Hypothyroidism): 16 Warning Signs of Thyroid Gland Diseases You Should Not Ignore!

7-Rise in Blood Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol test

Cholesterol is a lipid molecule that is present in all cells of the human body. The organism uses cholesterol to synthesize hormones and bile acids, and thus, it is integral to the digestion of fat. Cholesterol travels throughout the body by binding to specific proteins found in blood, and although dietary alterations can result in dramatic increases of circulating cholesterol, it can also happen as a result of some pathologies, such as Hypothyroidism. All thyroid hormones are heavily involved in hepatic processes that modulate the elimination of cholesterol from the body; therefore, when Hypothyroidism causes a drop in thyroid hormones levels, the liver becomes significantly less efficient at managing cholesterol in the blood.