What Causes Bad Eyesight? 10 Signs and Symptoms Of Vision Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore!

The majority of us understand the importance of having annual physical examinations, or at least performing blood tests every year to make sure everything’s fine. Similarly, we have all heard about the importance of going to the dentist every year for a check-up. However, not everybody talks about annual examinations of your visual health. Are they necessary?

Visual problems are not always apparent. People can live with myopia and other visual refraction problems for many years without even realizing it. Our eyes and brain work together to accommodate vision and try to make out for any deficiency we have. Thus, even if you do not realize you need a pair of glasses, you would be amazed to see the world around you and every detail you were missing after receiving your corrective lens.

But how do you know you need a check-up with the optometrist? Moreover, is there any sign and symptom that should warn people against more severe eye problems? What causes poor eyesight? In this article, you will find a straightforward and applicable answer to all of these questions.

Signs and symptoms of vision problems

1-Blurred vision

Blurred vision

This is one of the most common visual symptoms, and it doesn’t necessarily mean you have a visual problem. Even after rubbing your eyes you will get a temporarily blurry vision that will resolve after a few seconds, and the same happens if you suffer from hypotension or hypoglycemia. You have to take care of these conditions right away, but in these cases, blurry vision has nothing to do with your eyes but your nervous system instead.

However, certain conditions such as diabetes and stroke may cause a permanent and unexplained change in your visual field. One of the symptoms is a blurred vision, which is maintained over a prolonged period in diabetes or suddenly appears with no apparent reason during a stroke. However, keep in mind that other symptoms of stroke include face drooping, weakness in one extremity, slurred speech and loss of balance. If you have a combination of these, look for medical attention right away.